AOB Topical AO+ Mist
Shop NowThis is the same product previously sold as Mother Dirt AO+ Mist
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Is this the same product as "Mother Dirt" and "AO+ Mist"?
Yes, this is the exact same formula and packaging as the products that have been previously sold as Mother Dirt and AO+ Mist.
What is the D23 Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Topical Mist?
D23 Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Topical Spray is a spray mist for the skin to be used after bathing, before bedtime and whenever you find convenient. The spray consists of strain of safe live-cultured AOB (Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria). It is a “good bacteria” found in nature that live off the ammonia you produce through sweat on your skin.
What is “AOB” (Ammonia-Oxidizing-Bacteria)?
You clicked, so we're going to get scientific with you now. Ammonia-Oxidizing-Bacteria (AOB), also known as “Nitrifying Bacteria,” are microorganisms that consume ammonia for energy and are present wherever a nitrogen cycle is taking place. This means wherever you find ammonia (their energy source), this class of bacteria will be found. The only anomaly to this is human skin, which we think is a rather interesting example of the effects of modern lifestyle. AOB also do not rely on solar energy or carbon (instead, they grow by consuming inorganic nitrogen compounds). The specific type of AOB used in our D23 Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Topical Spray is Nitrosomonas eutropha D23.
What is this products connection with AOBiome Therapeutics
AOBiome Therapeutics is our parent company and is the company behind the previous versions of the Mist from Mother Dirt that was sold as AO+ Mist.
Wait a second... Bacteria is GOOD?
Yes! This bacteria actually does good! Similarly to how probiotics are “good bacteria” for the stomach, this AOB do good for the skin. Now, we understand that the notion of a “harmless bacteria” might be a bit tough to wrap your head around, but follow us here for a minute: AOB are found everywhere in nature and have never been implicated in any human illness over the many decades that they have been researched. If you’ve ever walked barefoot on dirt, swam in a lake or the ocean, you probably emerged refreshed and covered with AOBs. Although our strain is cultured and produced to cosmetic grade quality it has the same safe properties as natural AOB. D23 Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Topical Spray is non-pathogenic - i.e. the live bacteria lack the genetic machinery needed to cause infection.
How does it work?
The Nitrosomonas in the AO+ Mist work by consuming the irritating compounds produced by your skin (like ammonia and urea in sweat), and in turn producing beneficial byproducts. Specifically, Nitrosomonas produce Nitrite and Nitric Oxide. Nitrite tames the bad bacteria and promotes the good bacteria on the skin. Nitric Oxide is a key antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. These two byproducts together do a great deal to help promote healthy skin overall.
How do I use it?
Good question! We're so glad you asked. First, shake the bottle. Then, spritz 5-7 times all over the body, twice a day. Be sure to focus on areas with high amounts of sweat glands: the face, scalp, underarms, groin, hands, and feet. Great times to spritz are: after showers, after swimming in a pool (rinse the chlorinated water off first!), before workouts, and in the evenings before bed. Most importantly - experiment! See what works best for you in terms of routine, frequency and quantity. Happy misting!
Will I always have to use this stuff?
This all depends on your personal habits - not just the showering and the products you use, but also the amount you sweat. It’s different for everyone, and we’re still working on defining what a "healthy biome" is. Having a healthy biome is a ongoing process, not simply a destination. We view a “biome-friendly” routine as a two-part process. First is replenishing the beneficial bacteria that we lose naturally on a regular basis (this is what our D23 Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Topical Spray does), and the second is making sure that the products we do come into contact with don’t hurt the beneficial bacteria of the skin. The good bacteria of our skin is constantly in flux based on our environment and what we expose it to. Microorganisms are constantly falling off, scrubbing off, and they definitely don't live forever. It's a natural part of the process. For this reason, it's important to replenish. AOB in the mist (and other good bacteria) don't just grow endlessly. Does this mean you'll always have to use the same amount of D23 Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Topical Spray? Not necessarily. Once again, it depends on your personal habits, environment, and routine. We encourage you to experiment and find what works best for you as time goes on.
Do you test on animals?
AO+ cosmetic products are never tested on animals. Because we believe in being fully honest and transparent, we want to make you aware that D23 Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Topical Spray is produced by AOBiome Therapeutics, Inc, a biopharmaceutical company engaged in high level bio-therapeutic research and testing. The FDA requires animal testing as part of their process to ensure that pharmaceuticals are both safe and effective and there is no way around this process. AOBiome is committed to work with the FDA to find alternatives to animal testing whenever possible and to minimize animal testing when no alternative is available.
Will temperature extremes while shipping hurt my product?
All shipments are sent via express service. This minimizes time spent in temperature extremes (hot or cold). Furthermore, during extremely hot (summer) or extremely cold (winter) times of year, we take special packaging considerations for certain areas so that you don’t have to worry.
How can I contact you?
Questions about the product? Want to tell us about your day? We're here for you! Email us at shop@aobiome.com
Why is International Shipping so expensive
The Mist contains live bacteria that is sensitive to long exposure to extreme temperatures. We ship the Mist with cold packs to help mitigate any extreme temperature and use express services so that it spends as short a time in transit as possible.